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Dieses Thema hat 9 Antworten
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t7t Offline

Beiträge: 302

20.07.2007 10:38
=) Regeln von Zeddicus Zul'Zorander aus dem Buch "Schwert der Wahrheit" Antworten

1 Wizards First Rule: People Are Stupid.

People can be made to believe any lie because they want to believe it is true, or because they are afraid that it is true.

( :!: I.E. If, for example, someone in your family was ill, and the phone rang and I picked it up and told you it was the hospital, and that that certain family member had died. You would most likely believe me because you were afraid that it was true.
That doesn't mean that its actually true, or that I was even telling the truth, but your mind would most likely believe me anyway. Its just the way we think.)

2 Wizards Second Rule: The greatest harm can result from the best intentions.

Even if you have the greatest of intentions in mind while doing something, the outcome can still be unpredictable and deadly.

( :!: I.E. Say, for example, you and two of your friends were walking on some kind of high bridge, and both of you friends lost their balance. You lean over the edge and grasp one arm of each friend. But they are too heavy and they both fall.
See, even though you had the best intentions in mind by trying to save them both, together they were to heavy, and so they both died. If you had only tried to save one, at least one would be alive.
Thats what makes this rule one of the most difficult to follow. We can never really know when we are violating it until its already too late.)

3 Wizards Third Rule: Passion Rules Reason.

( :!: I.E.emotions rule our desicions instead of reason.
Take for example a deranged boyfriend doing something crazy just because he got dumped by his girlfriend. If he would have just taken time to calm down, he probably could of used his reasoning skills to think of a better solution.)

4 Wizards Fourth Rule: There is magic in sincere forgiveness.
"Magic to heal. In the forgiveness you grant, and more so in the forgiveness that you receive."

( :!: I.E. If you have a long, drawn out quarrel with someone it can build up inside you, and you can even feel it inside, slowly gaining pressure. And sometimes, when you grant that person forgiveness, you feel all the stress life from you, and you finally feel better.)

5 Wizards Fifth Rule: Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie.

( :!: I.E.later find out that you had a piece of string stuck in you hair, and that person was lying to you.
So don't take a person's word at face value.)

6 Wizards Sixth Rule: The only soverign we can allow to rule us is reason.
The first law of reason states that what exists exists, what is is. And from this irreducible bedrock principle all knowledge is gained.

( :!: I.E. *This means that where as some people wish something to be so it not neccesarily is, If you start thinking that your wishes are true you are doomed to fail. Always realize that reason above all else is truth.)

7 Wizards Seventh Rule: Life is the future, not the past

(wenn ich ma zeit+laune habe übersetze ich es...)

Yenjin ( Gast )

20.07.2007 15:01
#2 RE: =) Regeln von Zeddicus Zul'Zorander aus dem Buch "Schwert der Wahrheit" Antworten

harte worte

t7t Offline

Beiträge: 302

20.07.2007 17:25
#3 RE: =) Regeln von Zeddicus Zul'Zorander aus dem Buch "Schwert der Wahrheit" Antworten

na für das die dinger aus einem fantasy-splatter-porno-roman stammen sind sie ganz ok =)
und verglichen mit denen aus der bibel oder so trifft man diese hier öfter an als man denkt.

is übrigens einer der besten fantasy-splatter-porno-romane =) oder kennste nen besseren@enrohir ?
ausser "Wixxie das kleine Hässchen" oder "Splatterwittchen und die 7 armen kleinen geilen Zwerge" aber die sind viel kürzer und haben nicht den gleichen tiefgang...

Enrohir Offline

Beiträge: 351

21.07.2007 18:11
#4 RE: =) Regeln von Zeddicus Zul'Zorander aus dem Buch "Schwert der Wahrheit" Antworten

nun da muss ich dir recht geben zedd ^^ und genau darauf wollte ich auch hinweisen ^^

lip ( Gast )

21.07.2007 19:41
#5 RE: =) Regeln von Zeddicus Zul'Zorander aus dem Buch "Schwert der Wahrheit" Antworten

hört sich interessant an

t7t Offline

Beiträge: 302

21.07.2007 21:43
#6 RE: =) Regeln von Zeddicus Zul'Zorander aus dem Buch "Schwert der Wahrheit" Antworten

habs noch auf deutsch gefunden. andere beispiele aber auch ok:

001 Die Menschen sind dumm.

Erklärung: Menschen glauben immer das was sie befürchten oder hoffen, auch wenn es nicht der Wahrheit entspricht. Selbst wenn ein fremder Mann einem Anderen sagen würde, dass sein Haus gerade brennt, hätte dieser keinen Zweifeln an der Richtigkeit der Aussage und würde voller Angst um seine Eigentum zu seinem Haus rennen, um das Nötigste zu retten. Der Fremde hätte auch sagen können, dass die Frau des Mannes, die schon seit langer Zeit verschwunden ist, bei seinem Haus auf ihn wartet. Der Mann würde es ohne jeden Zweifel glauben.

002 Die besten Absichten können den größten Schaden zur Folge haben.

Erklärung: Wenn du einem Bettler eine Münze gibst, weil er behauptet, seine Familie sei hungrig, und er benutzt sie dazu, sich zu betrinken und tötet dann jemanden, ist das dann dein Fehler? Nein. Er war es, der jemanden getötet hat, doch hättest du ihm statt dessen etwas zu essen gegeben oder wärst hingegangen und hättest seiner Familie etwas zu essen gegeben, wäre es nicht zu dem Mord gekommen. Deine Absicht war gut, und doch hat sie Schaden angerichtet.

003 Leidenschaft ist stärker als Vernunft.

Erklärung: Die Leidenschaft siegt oft über die Vernunft. Meist Hass oder Liebe treibt einen zum unvernünftigen und leichtsinnigen Handeln. Eine Mutter die ihr Kind ertrinken sieht, würde ins Wasser springen um es zu retten, auch wenn sie selber nicht schwimmen kann. Die Leidenschaft würde über die Vernunft siegen.

004 Vergeben hat etwas magisches.
Erklärung: Eine Magie, die eine heilende Wirkung hat. Das gilt sowohl für die Vergebung, die man selbst gewährt, als auch für die, die man gewährt erhält.

05 Achte darauf, was Menschen tun, nicht was sie sagen, denn Taten verraten jede Lüge.
Erklärung: Selbst wenn jemand behauptet dem Frieden zu dienen hat dieses keinerlei Wert, wenn er nicht nach seinen Worten handelt. Nur die in einem Leben vollbrachten Taten sagen etwas über seinen Charakter aus und nicht sie Aussagen einer Person.

006 Der einzige Souverän, dem man sich Unterwerfen darf, ist die Vernunft.

Erklärung: Das Sechste Gebot ist der Dreh- und Angelpunkt, um den alle anderen Gebote kreisen. Es ist nicht nur das wichtigste aller Gebote, sondern auch das einfachste; nichtsdestoweniger ist es dajenige, das am häufigsten missachtet und verletzt und bei eitem am häufigsten verschmäht wird. Man muss ihm, dem unablässigen Protestgeschrei der Gottlosen zum Trotz, unbedingt Geltung verschaffen. In den Schatten seines strahlenden Lichts, wo Halbwahrheiten gläubige Anhänger, tief empfindende Gläubige und selbstlose Jünger in die Falle locken, lauern Elend, Ungerechtigkeit und völliges Verderben. Glaube und Gefühle sind das gefährlich lockende Wesen des Bösen. Anders als Vernunft setzen Glauben und Gefühle der Selbsttäuschung und Launenhaftigkeit keine Granzen. Sie sind ein bösartiges, ansteckendes Gift, das einem für jede jemals ersonnene Verdorbenheit die betäubende Illusion moralischer Rechtfertigung verschafft. Glaube und Gefühle sind der Schatten des strahlend hellen Lichts der Vernunft. Vernunft ist das Wesen der Wahrheit, die ganze Herrlichkeit des Lebens lässt sich nur durch Vernunft erfassen, durch dieses Gebot. Setzt man sich darüber hinweg, indem man die Vernunft verschmäht, schließt man den Tod in seine Arme.

007 Leben bedeutet Zukunft, nicht Vergangenheit.

Erklärung: Das Leben findet in der Zukunft statt, nicht in der Vergangenheit. Durch Erfahrung können wir aus der Vergangenheit lernen, wie bestimmte Dinge sich künftig erreichen lassen; die Vergangenheit mit ihrenlieben Erinnerungen vermag uns zu trösten, sie liefert die Grundlage für alles bislang Erreichte. Aber nur die Zukunft birgt das Leben. In der Vergangenheit leben, heißt, sich bereitwillig dem Tod überlassen. Aber wenn man das Leben in vollen Zügen genießen will, muss jeder Tag neu erschaffen werden. Als rationale, denkende Wesen sind wir dazu verpflichtet, unseren Verstand zu gebrauchen, um vernuftgesteuerte Entscheidungen zu treffen und uns nicht blindlings auf das Althergebrachte zu verlassen.

t7t Offline

Beiträge: 302

22.07.2007 09:07
#7 RE: =) Regeln von Zeddicus Zul'Zorander aus dem Buch "Schwert der Wahrheit" Antworten


A Mord-Sith is a woman who can wield a person's magic against them, even the magic of the Sword of Truth. If a magic user attacks a Mord-Sith with magic, she can take full control of it and cause the wielder immense, crippling pain. If a magic user attacks a Mord-sith without using his magic, the Mord-Sith cannot take control of the magic user's magic. While under a Mord-Sith's control, a victim is brutally tortured and questioned in an effort to break their will. Pain for a Mord-Sith is something like a close and constant friend, even a form of love, in their perverted vision of the world.
Unlike it would seem, Mord-Siths are actually afraid of magic in any form they cannot take control of, such as wards and constructs, sometimes to keep an obtsinate Mord-Sith from following, a character would simply state that he/she would have to deal with magic, and sometimes it would even work. Mord-Siths have no wish of dying old in a bed, their wish is to give their life in battle, to protect the Lord Rahl, thus they do not fear death on duty, but neither will they sacrifice uselessly.

Mord-Sith have been used from their creation as both interregators and "protectors" of the Lord Rahl. Prior to the rise of the current Lord Rahl, Richard Rahl, this was a duty that most Mord-Sith did not wish to undertake, but were given no choice in the matter.

Mord-Sith Training:

Mord-Sith are chosen at a young age. Only the most gentle and caring girls are chosen, as it is believed the most innocent and loving are capable of the most hate and cruelty. In a Mord-Sith's training they are broken three times:

The First Breaking
The girl is first broken of her spirit. They go through gruesome torture each day, until their minds are twisted. She is given the same pain that she will later use to break their victims. It is said that the girl is confined to a small dungeon and kept there, locked away. While not locked in the dungeon they are tortured with the same Agiel they will soon hold as their own. By this seclusion and constant torture the girl's will shall be broken and she will lose a part of herself. This is the easiest of the breakings, the second and third are much harder, and if a girl can't be broken they are killed.

The Second Breaking
The second breaking of a future Mord-Sith is to break their empathy. The girl is forced to watch her mother be tortured by the Agiel and become their trainer's pet. Between torture sessions she is brutally raped and degraded before her daughter. When her mother finally dies from the abuse, another piece of who the girl was before is lost.

The Third Breaking
The third breaking is to break her fear of hurting others; she is taught to enjoy pain. With her spirit sufficiently broken and her empathy gone, she is given the Agiel she was trained with and must torture her father to death. This is the most difficult test and the final training for the future Mord-Sith. After killing her father her training is complete. She is now a heartless killing machine incapable of reasoning, compassion, or mercy.

Weapons of The Mord-Sith

The Agiel is their only weapon, it is a slim, red, leather rod about the width of a finger,some say, but however slim enough to be used inside an ear, and twelve inches long. It is attached to a loop at the end, usually a golden thin chain, so it is free to dangle from the wrist. It is used with amazing accuracy by the Mord-Sith, usually for torture, but, if used in some ways, it is a formidable weapon that can stop a heart or break a bone with one touch. It can also cause severe inner organ damage if used on the ear. Its different uses cause different kinds of wounds from simple blisters, to blisters full of blood, or leave no sign at all, still causing incredible pain. Being touched by an Agiel, even for a second, is like being hit by a bolt of lightning.

An Agiel can be used only by a person who has been trained with it, otherwise it is a simple leather rod which causes no pain whatsoever.
An Agiel becomes absolutely useless if the Bond with the Lord Rahl is not "active" due to the death of a Lord Rahl or of the lack of a gifted Lord Rahl.

To insure its use, after her training is complete the Mord-Sith is given the Agiel she was trained with. While it has the desired effect upon the victim intended, it also hurts the Mord-Sith to wield it.
An Agiel cannot be destroyed by simple means, being a weapon of magic.
The Mord-Sith also wear armoured gloves and are very well trained fighters. Their "weapon" against the gifted is their ability to take control of their gift if used against them.

Outfits of The Mord-Sith

The Mord-Sith have three outfits, all three have a crescent and a star on the stomach (on the red outfit they are yellow, on the's not specified), and consist of two main parts: a jacket and the pants, and secondary parts, such as gloves. The first is a tight, red leather armor. The red leather is used for fighting, torturing, and at a Mord-Sith's death. The leather covers their entire body and the gloves are armored to assist in their torturing. The leather is red since red will not show the blood of their victims. Because of the power of the Agiel and the pain inflicted on their "pets", their training is very bloody. The second outfit consists of brown leather and is seen as casual wear, worn by a Mord-Sith when not training her pet. The last is the white leather. This is only worn when a pet is completely broken, devoted entirely to his Mistress, and that she has chosen them for a mate (even worse that just being their pet). It signifies the training is complete and she chooses not to draw blood from her pet. However, a Mord-Sith's mate does not live very long.

Use of The Mord-Sith

Mord-Siths exist primarily to capture people with the gift, whom are their speciality, and as means of torture, in which they are very good. Mord-Sith are used by Darken Rahl mostly as a means of getting answers. He sends one, along with a group of D'Haran soldiers, to capture the victim. If the victim is gifted it shall be provoked until it uses its magic against the Mord-Sith, so she can capture it. Once the magic has been captured, there is no more need of the soldiers, the victim is tortured until it is broken and will confess whatever it is Father Rahl wants to hear. After that, Darken Rahl either executes it himself or turns it back over to the Mord-Sith to be used as she sees fit. Later on they become also the personal guards of the Lord Rahl.

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Muramasa Offline

Beiträge: 207

28.07.2007 17:00
#8 RE: =) Regeln von Zeddicus Zul'Zorander aus dem Buch "Schwert der Wahrheit" Antworten

ich hab jetzt alle 16 teile duch xD

Mage sind cheater

Muramasa Offline

Beiträge: 207

31.07.2007 12:48
#9 RE: =) Regeln von Zeddicus Zul'Zorander aus dem Buch "Schwert der Wahrheit" Antworten

also wer interesse an der saga hat kann sich auch weiter auf
über die roman reihe informiren

Mage sind cheater

Muramasa Offline

Beiträge: 207

08.08.2007 21:34
#10 RE: =) Regeln von Zeddicus Zul'Zorander aus dem Buch "Schwert der Wahrheit" Antworten

die deutschen bücher kann man sich auch unter bestellen aber k.a ob die ins ausland liefern :)

Mage sind cheater

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